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City Council Minutes 04/19/2007
Auburn City Council
Meeting #17
April 19, 2007

Work Session Meeting

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, Smith  - Present.   (Councilor Dempsey arrived after roll.) Councilor McNabb and Mayor Lattimore were absent.

Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager; Earle Thurston, Interim Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Bill Lupien, Engineering Superintendent.

Councilor Matthew Smith sat in for Mayor Lattimore.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Councilor Smith asked for a moment of silence.

There were no presentations, proclamations or public announcements.

A woman form the public stood to ask if her group would be heard regarding an issue they have with parking near the YMCA.  She said they were expecting to be able to speak to Council based on Councilor Dempsey’s recommendation earlier in the week.  Councilor Smith explained the format of the work session and asked if they would come back when a public to be heard segment would be on the agenda.

The City Clerk read Communications.

Ordinances – FIRST READING – The City Clerk read Bond Ordinance # 8 of 2007 regarding the issuance of $8,000.000 Serial Bonds for E. Genesee Street Reconstruction for the record only.  It will be voted on at the next business meeting.

The Clerk also read Bond Ordinance # 9 of 2007 authorizing the issuance of $1,400,000 serial bonds to finance the cost of 2007-08 Road Improvement Program also to be voted on at the next business meeting.

Work Session

East Genesee St. Reconstruction – James Morrissey C & S Engineering.

§       Mr. Morrissey reviewed bid results and the award process.  Rizzo Construction was the successful bidder at $6,319,179.
§       He also reviewed the other expenses associated with the project and the breakdown in what will be the City’s share and the state share.
§       Council and Mr. Morrissey discussed the pros and cons of replacing the water line on E. Genesee St.  Council discussed the risk of not replacing it.  Mr. Morrissey explained why they recommended not investing in replacing it.  
§       Mr. Morrissey reviewed the logistics of construction relating to traffic and homeowners.

Discussion of Contract Agreement with WeCare Holdings, LLC      

§       The City Manager reviewed a proposed solid waste agreement with WeCare Holdings, LLC.  Council discussed briefly.

Other Business

Councilor Dempsey commented on citizen’s (YMCA members) complaints he has received regarding parking near the YMCA.  He asked the City Manager to look at any possible solutions for them.

Council adjourned at 7:30PM.